Wednesday, July 25, 2012

French Student

    My family was so excited when we found out we were accepted to take in a French student. We were constantly e-mailing him and sending pictures back and forth. He was so nice and friendly! We counted the days down until the very day he came.
   When he arrived in Arizona the first thing he noticed was how hot it was and how large our vehicles were. (He said it felt like a "cook" instead of an oven. And he called our vehicles "hummers".) On the way home from the airport we talked to him and he didn’t seem to speak English fluently, he was very quiet as I sat next to him and danced to country music (like I always do in the car).

    For the first few days he wouldn't tell us when he was tired (when clearly he was), kept his room nice and tidy, and was very polite always saying "as you wish." Four days after he came my family took a trip to Disney World and left him with our neighbors for the week.  
    When we came back he had completely changed. Gradually his room became messier, he spoke English almost perfectly, he became obsessed with video games, he would sleep in to 11 am every morning, and we started fighting; for we were close in age. When we fought we were like brother and sister. We fought over sitting in the front seat of the car, he would push me to the ground if I got there before him. Also he constantly told me to be quiet and he wanted to race (and win) at everything.
   JUST A WARNING if you or anyone you know plans to have an exchange student be prepared to have the busiest month of your life and gain a few pounds. We took our student out to eat every day if not twice in one day and we did so many activities. It was like doing everything you usually do in one year jam-packed into one month. Although it was a fun experience it will probably be a one-time thing for my family.

With that said, our students mother invited my family and I to Paris recently! Obviously there was nothing else to say but "yes!!", we weren't about to pass up an offer like that! I mean, who gets to go to Paris and stay in a nice apartment right next to the Eiffel for free? Although I will be so excited to go to Europe it will hold back our trip to Hawaii. I won’t complain though, I have life pretty good compared to others.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Skechers Refund

    I personally have been searching the web for information on how to get my money back for the Skechers I bought.  Finally I have found the answer! On the website below it lets you fill out a form with your information and eventually might (read form on website) be sent in to receive your money back. It says that you can receive $40(US) or more back depending on the type of shoe. Go check it out if you want your money back!

Official Friends Finally

My sister announced us official "friends" on Wednesday the 10th. I was always “just a sister” because of our age difference and my lack of maturity. Apparently I’m good enough to be on her friend level now!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again!

    My cousin Jessica has come to stay at my family's house ever since I can remember. She comes every summer for a week or two. She travels from the humid state of Pennsylvania to the dry land of Arizona. Every year she travels out here we go out on the best adventures. We are always spending time outdoors whether its hiking mountains, swimming in our backyard, or boating on the lake. My most wonderful memories from childhood were with my older cousin Jess. I'm so happy to have such a wonderful, fun, outgoing cousin that I get to see. I'm so excited to see what we are going to do this summer!
We always hug when we leave eachothers sight:) (lol jk we just love each other)
Hiking A Mountain (thats the name... hehe)